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Me and Vanilla the poem
Buffy’s friends, loud they were singing.
It was her birthday and just the beginning.
Made by Willow and Tara was the cake
Proud they were really about what they’d baked.
But oh my god, Buffy couldn’t believe
With vanilla it was made, Buffy’s hopes were deceived.
And she couldn’t eat it, but she had to do.
For they are not becoming to angry the two.
Then the luck was on her side
Dawn gave her the present beaming with pride.
And Buffy hoped to receive something that would glister.
The first present came from her sister
It was really larger than a dime.
It was all for the shower and bathing time
Buffy was happy until Dawn told
That vanilla was the scent in the hands she hold.
Buffy asked herself if she ever had spent
Energy by telling Dawn that vanilla is not her favourite scent.
But she thanked her so much without
Showing her feelings ‘cause Dawn was so proud.
So the next one was from Xander and his girlfriend
Anya, who sometimes was really from hell’s dead end.
Buffy opened the present and what did she saw
A movie, oh great, with Tom Cruise, the raw.
But oh my god, she hoped this wouldn’t be real
Vanilla Sky was the name that stopped her zeal.
Why do all people think she’s addicted to this
Tara and Willow presented something Buffy really wouldn’t miss
A book about how to cook with vanilla a whole meal.
Why couldn’t it be one with knuckles of veal?
Then Giles gave her the last one he hoped she wouldn’t be sad.
A journey through Asia, about that Buffy was so glad.
But then Giles told her the journey goes through
All the provinces where the vanilla grew.
So Buffy went for sleep up to her room
She felt like it all was a prophecy of doom.
Spike joins her, the fatal sexy beast
He wants her to have his present, last but not least.
Which is not common at all, as it isn’t the vampire
With the sexiest hands ever which can lit her fire.
The slayer dreamt of a night full of passion
In which he took the oil and began the session.
Buffy full of expectations almost missed the words
The vampire whispered into her ears like little birds.
“The best of it my luv, this oil is fit to eat
and the taste is vanilla, my sweet…”
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